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Trallwm Community Hall

Trallwm Community Hall

The idea

Trallwm Community Forum and Trallwm Community Hall Committee had repeatedly failed to secure funds to redevelop their community facilities. They required a feasibility study, including architects drawings, input from quantity surveyors and a business plan for the redevelopment of their community centre as well as support with funding applications.

What we did

We consulted with key stakeholders and developed a workable business plan for the non-profit community organisation to adopt. We also developed designs for the building, along with costings and adjusted these to fit likely available budgets, all the while focusing on the scale of the scheme and the likelihood of attracting capital funding. We also supported the community in their application for capital funding.

Results of our work

As a result of our work the community were successful in securing half a million pounds of capital funding and we were subsequently retained to project manage the capital works. We maintained and ensured close support for the community organisation for their re-assurance and capacity to constructively oversee the process. The scheme opened for business in early 2010 and has been used as an exemplar project for other schemes in the area.

trallwm community hall